Shivarajakumar Presented Silver Sword

Century hero Shivarajakumar was presented a silver sword by the AKila Karnataka Shivarajakumar Sena Samithi on Monday night at the felicitation for his another hat trick – 25 years of film life, 25 years of married life and 100th film ‘Jogaiah’ all set for release in August middle.

Shivarajakumar receiving the honor mentioned that the fans felicitation is biggest of all. I would not forget this till my last breath. This is very special to me. You have crowned with various accolades. You have never put me down. The happiness you have given made me think on good films to offer you. I would do more films for you – Shivarajakumar addressed his fans at crowded Chowdaiah Memorial Hall.

At the decent and disciplined felicitation power star Puneeth Rajakumar observed the crown for my brother has not come just because he is the son of Dr Rajakumar. He has dedication, strength and sincerity in his job besides wonderful screen presence stated Puneeth Rajakumar.

Raghavendra Rajakumar addressing at this felicitation night said what the parent’s the fans have do today. My father should have been alive to see this day said Raghavendra Rajakumar. The shine in the face of Shivarajakumar is only because of happiness you have given informed Raghavendra Rajakumar.


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